Safe Haven Air Technologies


Safe Haven Air Technologies




RGF first developed its Advanced Oxidation Technology over 20 years ago. Over 1 million RGF Cells are in use around the world. RGF has licensed its technology to many Fortune 500 companies for use in the medical, food, military, residential, commercial, marine, hospitality and government.

RGF cells in various products have been tested and are approved or compliant with:

  • Health Canada & CSA
  • US Military
  • Chinese Government
  • Japanese Government
  • US Government – GSA
  • European Union

In addition, RGF technology, because of its ability to kill bacteria and virus on surfaces and in the air, have been specified in the Norovirus/MRSA protection plan of America’s largest restaurant chains, hotel chains, theme parks, cruise lines, public schools and hospitals.

Further Test Results

Samples of university and independent lab tests and major corporation studies:

  • Now tested on H1N1 Swine Flu with 99+% Kill
  • 99.99% surface bacteria/virus reduction
  • Over 80% VOC reduction
  • 78% of microbes in human sneeze killed at 3 feet
  • 97% airborne bacterial reduction
  • 99% reductions of Ecoli, Listeria, Strep and Bird Flu
  • 85% odor reduction
  • 97% airborne mold reduction
  • US Military approved for mold protection in field hospitals
  • Hospital approvals Infectious Diseases – U.S. and International 99% reduction of Staph (MRSA)
  • Major US city school reports 20% reduction in absenteeism
  • Tested and approved by the Chinese Government for protection against the SARS virus
  • Approved by the FSIS for use in food processing plants
  • Fox News three-part indoor air series featured RGF and concluded substantial mold and bacteria reductions
  • RGF’s technology has been featured on Fox, ABC, CBS and in Popular Science Magazine

Dr Keith Warriner

University of Guelph

Ontario Agricultural College

Department of Food Science

To Whom it may concern,  April 28, 2015

RE: RGF Environmental AOT Technology

I have been requested to write a letter outlining our studies with the RGF unit and the potential of the technology. In the way of background, I am a faculty within the Department of Food Science, University of Guelph undertaking research in food safety. As part of the research we evaluate and develop surface disinfection technologies for application in the food sector.

One on-going project is to evaluate interventions for fresh produce processing. As you maybe aware, there have been numerous food-borne illness outbreaks linked to leafy greens involving virulent pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella. There has also been an increasing trend of product recalls linked to Listeria monocytogenes. Therefore it was timely that Mr Pocock introduced us to the RGF Environmental (Safe Haven) technology that essentially releases antimicrobial free radicles in the air. We performed studies to determine the efficacy of the technology to reduce pathogen loading on lettuce heads in storage. The results from the research illustrated the RGF unit can reduce populations of E. coli O157:H7 by 90% without the hazards associated with ozone gas. Additional research is being undertaken to reduce airborne transmission in enclosed public spaces using the RGF units. This research will reported in the near future.

In summary, we found the RGF technology to have potential for decontaminating air and surfaces in the food and related sectors.

Yours sincerely,

Keith Warriner

Associate Professor in Food Microbiology

Dr. Tina Gemeinhardt DVM                                 

Tsawwassen Animal Hospital

Delta, BC

To Whom It May Concern, July 15, 2013

I am pleased to share my experience with the RGF Environmental’s Guardian Air Technology.  I initially had installed a unit into the Tsawwassen Animal Hospital in March, 2013.

My hope was that it would decrease disease transmission, both between veterinary patients and between staff and clients.  My experience has been that it has also eliminated odour to a large degree as well as significantly reducing allergy symptoms in myself and several employees.  

Steve Pocock from Canwest (Safe Haven), then placed two plug-in systems in my home.  I suffer from chronic sinusitis and asthma secondary to environmental and cat allergies ( I have two cats at home).  I have taken antihistamines, a corticosteroid inhaler and intermittent antibiotics for years.  Within six weeks I noticed that my sinus congestion was steadily improving.  I have not required medication for my symptoms since that time.  

While my experience with this technology has been limited, I am pleased to say that it has done everything that I hoped it would do.  I would happily recommend the RGF Environmental’s Guardian Air Technology for hospitals, shelters, care homes and for those who suffer from allergies in the home.


Dr. Tina Gemeinhardt DVM

Tsawwassen Animal Hospital 

Delta, BC

Joan Metselaar RN

Acting Director of Health Care

New Vista Society

Burnaby, BC

To Whom It May Concern, December 6, 2013.

Canwest Waste and Environmental Technologies (Safe Haven) recently completed the supply & installation of Guardian Air’s Advanced Oxidation Technology throughout our 236 resident Care Home. As a 40 year old, 4 storey building we have an aging and inefficient HVAC system that presents many air circulation problems. With two Special Care Villages and an older resident population, we were constantly faced with odour issues and stagnant air pockets. I am pleased to state that virtually the entire facility now experiences a noticeably superior indoor air quality. Freshness permeates the building. Canwest was creative in their design and engineering to ensure an effective installation. Part way through the installation, we suffered a Norovirus outbreak which can occur throughout the year here. We are not certain if the Guardian Air system is totally responsible, but we believe that it’s partial installation had an impact on how quickly the outbreak was curbed, compared to historical outbreaks. We are currently data tracking for a prospective analysis on the infection rates in our facility to compare pre and post installation of the Guardian Air System. The analysis will be available by the end of next year. I have no hesitation in recommending Canwest and the Guardian Air System’s Advanced Oxidation Technology.

Yours truly,

Joan Metselaar RN

Office Depot

Dear Mr. Ron Fink,
Thank you for solving an air quality problem that we encountered at Office Depot’s Corporate Headquarters. When we moved into our new building, we noticed that there was an offensive odor in our 18,546 square foot auditorium. I tried carbon filters, masking the smell, and forcing the HVAC system to 100% of available outside air, but nothing worked. I asked my Trane rep, Erik Johns, if he had any ideas to fix the issue and he informed me of your new technology. I have to say that I was skeptical at first, but Erik explained to me that if the product did not work as described, Trane would buy it back. With that said, I purchased two of your RGF Guardian 14″ H.O. units and had them installed in our ductwork. Within a week the smell was gone, and now we notice a slight clean scent in the air, which I gather is from the Hydro-peroxides. I have received an overwhelming response from the corporate campus employees thanking me for the change. Thank you again for a fine product, and I am in the process of ordering three of the ice machine units.


Dusty Driller
Sr. Facilities Manager
Office Depot

Hillsborough Community College

In regards to RGF units we have installed on our air handlers, I feel it has been a wise decision. The main college office had initiated a campaign to monitor absenteeism for any reason every Monday since the Swine Flu outbreak. We have only had a few to date, and none were confirmed Swine flu cases. My personal opinion of the units is that they provide a safety net in the above-mentioned matter and assist in overall cleanliness throughout the Campus, in offices, Labs, classrooms, and the Library. I have never found odors from any source, i.e, perfumes,cooked food, etc. for any prolonged time. Also I have monitored the restrooms which seem to recover more quickly from odors and although we are tough on cleanliness, the added knowledge of the RGF Guardian System helps me sleep at night knowing that if something is missed, the system has the capability to address it. These units were a breeze to install and we monitor them daily, without issues to date. Lastly, I have six portable classrooms and possibly that many more coming in the Fall. I am attempting to get the portable units purchased for the existing. My only issue is my original provider does not supply them, and I will have to get another new supplier that is registered with the College or have them submit new paperwork, which slows down the entire purchasing process.
Thank you,
Rick Chorzelewski
Facilities Manager

American Residential Services – ARS

A local pet kennel and groomer was looking for a solution to their unique Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problems. With the animals in the building, they were experiencing a very strong odour problem. Guardian Air units were installed in all zones of the building. Two weeks later on a walk through of the facility, one of the assistants mentioned that it smelled much better than the other building not yet installed with GA units, but the owner wasn’t convinced. ARS unplugged the units, with a promise to come back in 4 days to see if anything had changed. In four days when ARS returned, the owner said “I don’t know what you did, but you better fix it.” After turning the units off, the previous odour problems returned immediately

Chicago Public Schools

In February of this year, PS 135 began the installation of 58 Guardian Air units to assist in reducing absenteeism due to illness. During a meeting in January of 2006 members of the school district met with RGF and G. W. Berkhiemer to discuss ongoing problems with the air quality in the school.

Like many older schools there were many complaints regarding the air quality. The most common were mold, musty odors and teachers complaining of being uncomfortable in certain rooms. The RGF factory personnel explained the unique approach to air quality that the Guardian Air family of products provides; it’s ability to kill microbes (mold, bacteria and viruses) in the conditioned space instead of trying to kill them in the air handler. They also informed the members of the school district the fact that a well known cruise line had installed them in all of their cruise ships to protect the passengers from the Norwalk Virus. During the discussion, RGF shared with the school district the results of a test done by Midwest Research Institute (MRI), where the Guardian Air achieved a kill rate on Norwalk Virus of 99.9999% in a series of one hour tests. It is important to note that the Norwalk Virus is the cause of 54% of all the stomach flu Americans suffer each year.

The school district decided to try the product and would phase it in during class room modifications to be done in spring of 2007. As part of the project, the school decided to run preliminary studies on the effect on absenteeism verses the same period a year earlier. The results showed that with the Guardian Air units installed, the absenteeism fell by 15-20%. This is a very important point for all school districts as they receive their federal and state funding based on daily attendance records. So the more students in school, the more funding they receive. In essence, PS 135 got an increase in their funding of 15-20%.

Guardian Air Find Happy Patrons At Local Smoking Bar

RGF recently completed two new installations in Texas at smoking bars; both the “Bitter End” in San Antonio, TX and “Shooters” in Cedar Park, TX. Both of these applications were heavy on cigarette odours and it was the staff that ultimately suffered. RGF Representative in Texas, Todd Montgomery, recommended Guardian Air units to try and combat the constant smoke odours and VOC’s introduced to the space. The units were installed at 10am and Todd received a text that night at 4am from one of the bartenders that just simply read “YEAH!”. After working for 14 years, the bartender said it was the first night ever he had come home without smelling like smoke.

The Excelsior Condominium

Steve Brandon, of The Excelsior Condominium in Boca Raton, Florida sent us a letter recently to let us know how pleased he and his residents were with the Guardian Air systems installed there. Having done installations of this type in the past, RGF technicians know it is not always the easiest thing to please multiple residents in these types of facilities. Not to mention the Guardian Air systems have lasted well beyond their warranted life expectancy.

Gold’s Gym Installs Guardian Air and REME

Gold’s Gym in Orlando, FL has recently began a rollout of Guardian Air and REME units to all 8 locations around the city. The first building with 12 units was installed and results have been excellent. The management staff at Gold’s currently working with RGF to feature the Guardian Air in advertisements and posters all over every location as the rollout is progressing.

St. Helena Hospital

St. Helena Hospital of St. Helena California is another on the list of happy & safe hospitals using Guardian Air PHI to reduce infectious disease spread.

IRS in Austin Installs 80 Units, Plans To Study Employee Sick Time

The IRS Center in downtown Austin, TX installed 80 units in their entire facility. They were concerned about improving employee morale and reducing sick time and installing Guardian Air units in their facility to drastically improve IAQ seemed like the perfect solution. They plan on examining employee sick time in the year before installation and the year after to determine how much the improvement in indoor air quality helped. Before those results are completed, we can already say the employees really appreciate the fresh feeling to the air.

Texas Mutual Insurance

Texas Mutual Insurance is a three billion dollar national company with locations in multiple states throughout the country. They are a very progressive company and had heard about the Phi Technology from one of their technicians who had attended a Phi Technology Training hosted by Insco Distributing and taught by Todd Montgomery. Texas Mutual Insurance extended an invitation to Todd Montgomery to meet with some of their upper management to explain the benefits of Phi Technology and possible application for their Austin facility. After a very productive two hour meeting with the Operations Manager, Facilities Manager and Regional VP, Texas Mutual Insurance decided to have four independent labs test the results of the product at four separate practical applications. The results were so positive, within one month they installed 30+ units in their Austin facility. The Austin facility contains two 400 ton air handlers and one 12 ton system. The units performed so well, with the company recording a significant drop in absenteeism, Texas Mutual had 30+ units installed in an affiliated building in Austin. They are working on installing the product in all their locations nationwide. The primary significance of this testimonial is this customer is an insurance company and they understand the consequences of liability.

Jacobs Homes

Jacobs Homes is one of the leading custom home builders in Central Texas with approximately 25 active model homes. An opportunity arose allowing us to meet with the Director of Purchasing, President, Product Manager and Kuene A/C (Jacobs’ preferred a/c contractor). As a result of this meeting Jacobs Homes has decided to install the product in all of their model homes. All model homes are between 2500 and 4000 square feet and contain a minimum of two a/c systems. There is a meeting scheduled for 10/20/08 with all salespeople and upper management in order to train them on the benefits of Phi Technology. Afterwards Jacobs is implementing a strategy that involves installing Phi Cells in all of their employees’ homes. They plan to offer Phi Technology as an option in their upgrade package to all new home buyers and contact all current Jacobs Home owners in order to inform them of the benefits of the Phi Technology.

On The Air

Through a joint effort between Robert Madden and Fox Services, Todd Montgomery wrote a radio ad produced in conjunction with KVET radio station in Austin. The ad currently runs daily during the morning drive time segment. This radio station was selected because one of the talk show hosts, Bob Cole, contracted MRSA Infection which caused him to develop an abrasion on his face. Strategy was to introduce the technology and offer him a free unit in hopes that he will become a testimonial and a strong advocate of Phi Technology and share his story with his listeners.

Nash Heating & Air

Nash Heating & Air is an A/C company based out of New Orleans. The owner believed in the product despite the skepticism of his technicians, specifically his lead technician who has a 4 year old daughter that is allergic to everything and takes daily breathing treatments and other medicines associated with her allergies. Because of his confidence in the product the owner gave each technician a Guardian Air Phi cell for Christmas. While conducting a subsequent sales training for Nash Heating & Air the lead technician asked to share his story. He explained to everyone that after installing the Phi Cell and having it run for only 4 days his daughter no longer required daily breathing treatments or medicines for her condition.