Safe Haven Water Technologies


Safe Haven Water Technologies




Background: Swine Innovations & CWET set out to demonstrate the veracity of structured water technology on swine operations.  A 525-sow farrow to finish operation located in Northern Alberta was selected.  Three areas of focus were concentrated on.  

  1. To reduce mortality.
  2. To reduce the time it takes to get the herd to market.
  3. To get the herd to market at full market weight in that abbreviated time frame.

All three goals were achieved.  As of this writing, several trials have been closely monitored verifying substantial benefits to the farmer.  The only change in these face-to-face studies was the addition of the structured water.

This farmer wanted to convert their herd to antibiotic free, with zero growth hormones. They also wanted to increase the overall efficiency and profit of the production system.  They realized early on that two factors were needed to get consistent results in the barn; water quality and feed quality. Once these two factors were taken care of the rest of the production would be much easier. Over the years, Sunnybend did what any good farmer would do – they kept pushing to provide the best quality feed, water in the barn, as well as working with vets, nutritionists, and water treatment specialist etc. The results documented below were determined after a 2 year study.

July 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018

Without structured water.

Only used the best potable treated and acidified water.

Whole herd feed conversion: 3.55
Whole herd growing feed conversion: 3.20
Live shipping weight: 117 kgs
Birth to market: 200 days
Oct 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019
With structured water, no other changes
Whole herd feed conversion: 3.03
Whole herd growing feed conversion: 2.72
Live shipping weight: 122 kgs
Birth to market: 178 days