Safe Haven Air Technologies


Safe Haven Air Technologies



What is Advanced Oxidation technology?

SAFE HAVEN AIR TECHNOLOGIES represents one of the world’s leading air purification applications known as ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGY (AOT) manufactured by the RGF Environmental Group. By generating a proactive oxidizing plasma in indoor air environments, AOT inactivates bacteria, viruses, pathogens and mould spores in the air and on surfaces providing No Touch Disinfection (NTD) on a 24/7/365 basis. It is effective, affordable, completely safe and utilized by Fortune 500 companies worldwide.
Infectious Disease Control

Odour and VOC Elimination

Airborne Particulate Precipitation

Mold & Fungus Spore Inactivation

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is receiving evermore attention as a critical environmental concern. Canadians spend more than 80% of our time indoors and yet the health problems associated with indoor air quality remain largely ignored. Advanced Oxidation Technology (AOT) represents the most comprehensive approach to eliminating bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungi, odours and VOC’s both in the air and on surfaces. It offers an opportunity to create a safe and healthy environment for family, staff and clients. The ability to control and virtually eliminate so many dangerous airborne elements is quite brilliant. The efficacy of the technology is thoroughly documented in numerous university studies, peer reviews and by its own successful history throughout the world during the last 20 years.

Advanced Oxidation Technologies create a plasma containing Hydro-peroxides, Super-oxide ions and Hydroxide ions, all of which are friendly oxidizers; by friendly, we mean oxidizers that revert back to oxygen and hydrogen after the oxidization of a pollutant. Hydroperoxides have been a common part of our environment for over 3.5 billion years. They are created in our atmosphere whenever three components are present: oxygen molecules, water vapour and energy (electromagnetic). AOT also has the ability to super charge these hydroperoxides or ionize them and pro-actively disperse them throughout indoor air spaces. Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides™ are very effective at destroying harmful microbials in the air and on surfaces. As oxidants, they do this by either destroying the microbe through a process known as cell lysing or by changing its molecular structure and rendering it harmless (which is the case with VOC’s and odours). The amount of hydroperoxides required to accomplish this task in a conditioned space is well below the level that is constantly in our outside air. The Advanced Oxidation Technology found in RGF’s Guardian Air product family has brought the oxidants found in the outside air into the conditioned space of homes or businesses. Hydroperoxides can be viewed as nature’s air purifiers.

There is no known case of hydroperoxides ever creating a health risk. Considering we have always been exposed to hydroperoxides in nature it is a reasonable assumption that hydroperoxides do not constitute a health risk. Over the past 20 plus years, over one million of RGF’s Advanced Oxidation systems have been successfully installed and operated throughout the world without a safety issue. Existing clients include Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, major food processors, major corporations and hotels.

The installation of this very affordable, effective and environmentally responsible technology can be quite straight forward. For businesses with ducted heating and air conditioning, the units are installed in the plenum near the air handlers. This work needs to be done by a certified technician. For facilities without forced air heating and cooling we supply portable self-contained units with their own blower systems.

What is Advanced Oxidation technology?

RGF cells in the various product lines have been tested and or approved or registered by:


•U.S. Military

•Chinese Government

•Japanese Government (TV commercials)

•Electric Power Research Institute

•U.S. Government – GSA

•European Union

In addition, RGF’s Advanced Oxidation Technology cells have been specified in the Norovirus & MRSA protection plans of America’s largest restaurant and hotel chains, theme parks, cruise lines, public schools and hospitals. The following is a summary of some of the testing and studies performed by third party independent labs and universities. RGF products are not medical devices and no medical claims are made.

Does it protect against airborne bacteria from sneezing?

Sneeze Test – RGF PHI and REME

A testing protocol concept was used which included a “Sneeze Simulation Machine” and “Sneeze” chamber. A sneeze can travel at up to 100 mph, so consideration had to be given for lung capacity, sneeze pressure, and liquid volume to properly simulate a human sneeze. This was accomplished and the test proceeded with outstanding results. An average of 78% reduction of microbials was achieved with PHI in a double blind test at 3 feet from the sneeze source. This is clearly not a medically supervised test or protocol. However, from a practical point, it was definitely providing some kill at the source and will provide some level of protection. When RGF developed the next generation of Advanced Oxidation Technology, REME, or Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy, the same testing was performed and an average of 99% reduction of microbials was achieved in the same 3 foot distance.

Have you been accepted and installed in Hospitals?

Some of international hospital installations include:

Amman, Jordan

Al Khalidi Medical Center


Beijing Tiantan Pugua Hospital
Dalian Skin Disease Hospital
Sichuan Huaxi Hospita
Shanghai Oriental Liver & Gall Hospital Shanxi Eyes Hospital

Dalian Infectious Disease Hospital No. 2 Hangzhou Hospital
No. 1 Maoming Guangdong Hospital No. 3 Liaoyang Hospital


Empresea House Against Allergy
Vigia Hospital
Mother & Child Hospital Jose Domingo De Obaldia Hospital el Vigia
Secretaria Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion Hospital Materno Infantil
Caja de Seguro Social


Sanatorio Espanol, Torreon, Mexico

United States

St. Helena, St. Helena, CA
Southwest Texas Medical, San Marcos, TX
Southern Maryland Hospital, Clinton, MD
Detroit Medical Centre, Detroit, MI
Trinity Health, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI
Central Texas Medical Center, San Marcos, TX
Ronald McDonald House, Charleston, SC
Baylor Cancer Center, Dallas, TX
Colleton Medical Center, Waltersboro, SC
Lima Memorial Hospital, Lima, OH
County of Allegheny/Office of the Coroner, Pittsburgh, PA
John J. Kane Regional Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Eden Gardens Assisted Living Facility/Alzheimer’s Unit, Aiken, SC
Walterboro Community Hospital, Walterboro, SC

Belvedere Animal Hospital, WPB, FL


What scientific test results do you have?

Summary of tests and studies performed by accredited labs and universities – funded and conducted by clients to assure third party credibility.

Lab Test Summary

If you have any questions please contact us at info@cwet.ca